Monday, 1 August 2011

Hello World!

Just decided to start a blog.
I decided to do this mainly due to my recent uptake of watching horror/slasher films.
I was looking a some of them and just thinking "why the hell did that person just do that!?!"
The latest Friday the 13th had the right idea to the next generation of slasher films I believe. All though not creating a new character, the directors/ writers of the film did start a spark within me by trying to make the killer more human.
For those of you who don't know most of the killers from slasher films are brainless beings that are overtaken by snails as they walk so slow but always seem to appear where needed for the death.
I was hoping that the people that are out there would give me some feedback about what they think makes a good slasher film, so the sort of films like Halloween, A Nightmare on Elmstreet, Scream and Friday the 13th.
Let me know what elements you like from these films and other things you think need to be incoporated into them and I will try and write a script that will live up to these legends and give them a good name once again!
Look forward to hearing your responses

1 comment:

  1. wanna know the secret of a good slasher film? Mood, atmosphere, cast, creativity and bloody good kills. No matter how dumb or brainless a story is, if you manage to pull it all off with proper mood, atmosphere, creativity, (well-acted) cast and/or murders, then you'll definitely got yourself a certified hit.

    Or just do it simple. Look at Halloween! Anyone could had pulled that one off, but it takes proper direction to keep a movie like that fresh.

    oh, that's another thing, Direction. Do that right, and you'll get yourself a new Black Christmas or Psycho.
